
佳研國際 (JY International)攜手銘崎(MCB)開創保健產業新模式

2022年4月28日 /在:  /


崎公司(MCB)成立於1987年,最初以噴霧乾燥設備與廠房建造業務為主,進而發展成國內外具領導地位的營養粉末配料的生產廠家。專注於食品方面規範的機能性 “脂肪粉末 & 特殊粉末原料“。銘崎公司擁有許多具專利的新穎製程以及乾燥技術 。再加上銘崎公司 (MCB)全球的銷售網絡,與眾多國際營養品大廠都是合作夥伴,提供相關的解決方案。

們的研發與生產團隊擁有豐富的粉體解決經驗,讓我們能夠在原料市場上提供客戶更多元的應用選擇,不論營養品、保健食品、一般食品領域。另外,銘崎公司 (MCB) 能夠提供客戶各種原料的代工 (OEM、ODM),並且幫助客戶從事從原料至末端產品的配方開發。
銘崎公司 (MCB) 的生產品質符合各種國際條件,我們擁有 ISO22000,HACCP,清真產品的現代化生產線,能夠符合各種規範。

Jia Yen International and Ming Chyi Biotechnology (MCB) form a partership to better solutions for functional food powder ingredients and dietary supplements.
MCB founded in 1987 and initially specialized in business of industrial spray dryer consultancy and design. Gradually MCB has been becoming as a worldwide leader of manufacturing nutraceutical dietary powder ingredients. With abundant technical know-hows of spray-dried processes, procedures and innovative production patents, MCB particularlly specializes in producing food grade functional "lipid powder" and provide "special specification powder ingredients". By cooperating with numerous global supplement companies, MCB is not just a supplier of functional food powder ingredients but also a solution provider in nutraceutical dietary suppliment.
R&D team and production crew of MCB are well experienced in providing solutions for demands from nutraceutical suppliment to functional dietary consumption. No matter demands of functional food, dietary supplement, or typical  manufacturing food product, MCB is capable of providing specialized food ingredients and solutions for OEM/ODM projects and for customers who look for recipes to convert diverse powder ingredients into finished products. 
MCB is certified by global management systems, such as FSSC 22000, ISO 22000, HACCP, KOSHER and HALAL and continuingly modifies manufacturing process in order to better the quality of products and to dynamically respond to diverse market demands.